
This area serves to establish and enforce the law—the inviolable rules that govern society. Law safeguards human and civil rights, ensuring the protection of individual freedoms and liberties. It provides due process, guaranteeing that all individuals are treated equally before the law and that legal proceedings are conducted fairly and transparently. By maintaining social order, law promotes the common good and collective well-being, providing a civilized framework for peacefully and constructively resolving conflicts and disputes. The court system upholds integrity by conducting legal processes in a manner that is unbiased, impartial, and just. It deters wrongdoing by holding individuals accountable for their actions and provides protection by offering a means of restoring justice whenever it is violated. Through these functions, law not only regulates behavior but also serves as the foundation for preserving rights, fostering social harmony, promoting justice and accountability, and ensuring the equitable treatment of all members of society.

The primary divisions include:

Law Creation: Law creation is the foundational process by which societies establish formal rules and principles to govern behavior, protect rights, and maintain order. It encompasses the drafting, enactment, and interpretation of legal norms, originating from various sources, including constitutions, statutes, regulations, judicial precedents, and international treaties. The process is dynamic, reflecting evolving societal values, political priorities, and legal principles. At its core, law creation serves to define the rights and obligations of individuals and institutions, promote justice, and provide mechanisms for resolving disputes and regulating conduct. The Constitution forms the supreme legal authority, establishing the fundamental framework of government, delineating the separation of powers, and guaranteeing individual rights. It defines the structure and functions of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, outlining their powers and limitations. Constitutional law also protects human rights and civil liberties, ensuring freedoms such as speech, religion, and equal protection under the law. Constitutional provisions take precedence over all other forms of law, and any legislation or government action that conflicts with it may be deemed unconstitutional by the courts. The legislative process is the primary means through which statutory laws are created. Elected legislative bodies, such as Congress in the United States, draft, debate, and enact statutes. These statutes address a wide range of issues, including criminal offenses, civil rights, taxation, commerce, and public safety. The process typically begins with the introduction of a bill, which undergoes committee review, amendments, and floor votes. Once passed by the legislature, the bill is sent to the executive branch for approval or veto. If signed into law, the statute becomes part of the legal code. Legislative bodies also have the authority to amend or repeal existing laws in response to changing social, economic, or political conditions. Regulatory rulemaking is another key component of law creation. Executive agencies, authorized by legislative bodies, develop and implement regulations to enforce statutes and carry out public policy objectives. These administrative regulations have the force of law and govern specific areas such as environmental protection, workplace safety, and consumer rights. The rulemaking process typically involves drafting proposed regulations, publishing them for public comment, and finalizing them based on feedback and legal analysis. Regulatory agencies are also responsible for enforcing and interpreting these rules through administrative proceedings. Judicial decisions and legal precedents play a crucial role in law creation, particularly in common law systems. Courts interpret the constitution, statutes, and regulations through the process of adjudication. Their rulings establish legal precedents, which become binding or persuasive authority for future cases. This process, known as stare decisis, ensures consistency and predictability in the application of the law. Appellate and supreme court decisions, in particular, have far-reaching implications, as they can reinterpret existing laws or establish new legal doctrines. In some cases, courts engage in judicial review, assessing the constitutionality of legislative and executive actions and invalidating those that violate constitutional principles. International law is also a significant source of legal norms, governing relations between states and addressing global issues such as trade, human rights, and environmental protection. Treaties, conventions, and agreements are negotiated and ratified by sovereign states, becoming binding under international law. Multilateral organizations, such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization (WTO), and the International Criminal Court (ICC), play a role in developing and enforcing international legal standards. In addition to formal lawmaking, customary law and legal traditions influence legal systems, particularly in regions where indigenous or tribal customs hold legal authority. Customary law evolves from long-standing practices and is recognized as legally binding in certain jurisdictions, often coexisting with statutory and common law frameworks. The process of law creation is an intricate and multifaceted endeavor that reflects the values, priorities, and principles of society. It requires collaboration between legislative bodies, executive agencies, and the judiciary to craft, interpret, and apply legal norms. By establishing clear and enforceable rules, the law creation process ensures accountability, protects individual rights, regulates social and economic relations, and defines the rule of law.

Judiciary: The judiciary is the branch of government responsible for interpreting and applying the law, resolving disputes, and ensuring that justice is administered fairly and impartially. It defines and safeguards the rule of law by interpreting statutes, regulations, and constitutional principles, ensuring that legal standards are consistently upheld. Through its rulings, the judiciary serves as the arbiter of legal disputes, protects individual rights, and checks the powers of the executive and legislative branches. It plays a vital role in maintaining the separation of powers by reviewing the constitutionality of laws and government actions, preventing abuses of authority. The judiciary operates independently to avoid undue influence or interference, ensuring that legal proceedings are conducted with integrity, fairness, and adherence to due process. Judicial independence is a cornerstone of the system, enabling judges to issue impartial decisions based on legal principles rather than political pressures. The core functions of the judiciary include presiding over trials, ruling on appeals, and establishing legal precedents that guide future cases. Judges interpret and apply the law to specific cases, issuing rulings that clarify legal principles and shape jurisprudence. The judiciary’s interpretive function also plays a role in refining and evolving the legal system, as courts provide authoritative interpretations of ambiguous or unclear statutes, creating case law that serves as precedent. Through this process, the judiciary influences the ongoing development of legal doctrines, ensuring consistency and adaptability within the legal system. Additionally, the judiciary protects civil liberties by ruling on cases that involve constitutional rights, including freedom of speech, due process, and equal protection under the law. By enforcing legal standards, the judiciary holds individuals, corporations, and government entities accountable, thereby promoting public confidence in the justice system.

The court system is the institutional framework through which the judiciary carries out its functions, providing the formal mechanism for resolving disputes, interpreting the law, and administering justice. It operates through a hierarchical structure composed of multiple levels of courts, each with distinct jurisdictions and responsibilities. At the foundation are trial courts, where legal disputes are initially heard and resolved. These courts are divided into general jurisdiction and specialized courts. General jurisdiction trial courts, such as district or superior courts, oversee a wide range of criminal and civil cases, including contract disputes, tort claims, property issues, and family matters. Specialized courts focus on specific areas of law, such as family courts for domestic cases, probate courts for estate matters, and bankruptcy courts for financial insolvency cases. Trial courts may conduct bench trials, where a judge determines the outcome, or jury trials, where a group of citizens evaluates the evidence and renders a verdict. Trial courts are also responsible for fact-finding, evaluating evidence, and applying relevant legal principles to reach a judgment. Above the trial courts are appellate courts, which review the decisions of lower courts to determine whether legal errors occurred. Appellate courts do not retry cases or re-examine evidence but assess the application of the law and procedural fairness. These courts may affirm, reverse, or remand cases back to trial courts for further proceedings. The appellate process ensures consistency in the interpretation of the law and provides a mechanism for correcting judicial errors. In the United States, appellate courts include the federal courts of appeals, which handle most appeals from district courts. The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has nationwide jurisdiction over specialized cases, such as patent law and claims against the federal government. At the highest level is the supreme court, which functions as the final authority on legal interpretation and resolves cases of exceptional legal significance. The supreme court has the power to review lower court decisions, interpret constitutional principles, and establish binding legal precedents. Its rulings shape legal doctrines and influence future cases, guiding the application of the law across the judicial system. In the United States, the Supreme Court also exercises judicial review, allowing it to assess the constitutionality of laws, executive actions, and government policies. This power serves as a critical check on the other branches of government, ensuring that legislative and executive actions comply with constitutional mandates. In addition to trial, appellate, and supreme courts, the court system also includes administrative and specialized courts. Administrative courts handle disputes involving government agencies and regulatory enforcement. These courts oversee cases related to social security benefits, immigration status, labor disputes, and tax appeals. Administrative law judges (ALJs) preside over these cases, applying statutory and regulatory standards to resolve disputes. Specialized courts address distinct legal issues, such as tax courts, which handle disputes related to federal tax law, and military courts, which prosecute offenses committed by service members under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Veterans’ appeals courts review claims involving military veterans’ benefits, while tribal courts administer justice within Native American jurisdictions, applying both tribal and federal law. The court system also incorporates territorial courts in U.S. territories, such as Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, which handle both federal and local legal matters. On the international level, courts such as the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC) address disputes between nations and prosecute individuals for crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide. These courts play a role in promoting international justice and holding individuals accountable for human rights violations. The structure and operation of the court system reflect principles of judicial independence and impartiality, ensuring that courts function free from political influence or external pressure. Judges are appointed or elected based on their legal qualifications and are expected to interpret and apply the law objectively. Judicial decisions are guided by legal principles, established precedents, and constitutional mandates, ensuring consistency and fairness. The court system also plays a key role in developing jurisprudence, as courts clarify statutes, define legal protections, and refine the application of legal doctrines over time. This interpretive function contributes to the evolution of the legal system, promoting stability and adaptability. Overall, the judiciary and the court system are essential institutions that uphold the rule of law, protect individual rights, and ensure accountability through the fair and impartial administration of justice. By interpreting statutes, resolving disputes, and safeguarding constitutional principles, the judiciary and court system preserve social order, promote accountability, and maintain the balance of power within society.

Legal Services: Legal services encompass a broad range of professional support aimed at helping individuals, businesses, and government entities navigate the complexities of the legal system. These services are provided by lawyers, legal professionals, and institutions, and they are designed to ensure clients’ rights are protected, obligations are met, and disputes are resolved. Educational Services are crucial for both the legal community and the public. Private educational services, such as law schools, bar associations, legal research institutions, and legal publishing, serve to train future legal professionals and provide continuing education. Public educational services, such as legal seminars, workshops, and community outreach programs, are often designed to increase awareness and understanding of legal rights and responsibilities. Additionally, pro bono legal education is provided to underserved populations to promote access to justice. Consultation and Assessment services include case evaluation, feasibility analysis, and referrals to specialized legal professionals. Legal consultations help clients understand their rights and the viability of their legal options, allowing them to make informed decisions about pursuing legal action or seeking resolution. Advisory and Planning services by legal professionals offer proactive guidance to clients to address potential issues or plan for future needs. Legal counseling is a significant part of this, offering advice on personal rights, business operations, family matters, or regulatory concerns. Lawyers engage in legal writing and document preparation, including drafting legal briefs, contracts, and agreements. They help negotiate contracts, prepare wills, trusts, and deeds, and create powers of attorney or advance directives. Regulatory and compliance guidance ensures businesses and individuals meet legal standards and avoid future legal complications, while lawyers help clients navigate complex regulatory landscapes. Research and Analytical Services form the foundation for informed legal strategies. Legal professionals conduct extensive legal research, examining case law, statutes, and precedents, as well as engaging in comparative legal studies for international or multi-jurisdictional matters. In addition, case analysis and strategy development involves fact-finding, evidence review, and risk assessment to formulate legal strategies. Lawyers use this research to prepare legal briefs and memoranda, assisting clients in evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of their cases while developing litigation or settlement plans. Representation and Advocacy is a core responsibility, where lawyers provide client representation in court or other legal forums. This includes defending clients in criminal matters, representing clients in civil litigation, and advocating on behalf of clients in administrative hearings. Courtroom advocacy involves trial preparation, presenting evidence, filing motions, and providing appellate advocacy for clients who wish to challenge or appeal decisions made in lower courts. Negotiation and settlement services form a crucial aspect of these operations, where lawyers negotiate contracts, settlements in civil disputes, or plea bargains in criminal cases. Social advocacy, including human rights advocacy, lobbying for legal reform, and policy drafting, extends beyond individual client representation and works to influence broader societal change. For those unable to afford legal representation, legal aid services such as pro bono legal assistance, pro se help, and legal clinics ensure that justice is accessible to all, regardless of financial status. Dispute Resolution Services offer alternatives to traditional litigation, emphasizing cost-effective, timely, and amicable resolutions. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods, such as mediation, arbitration, negotiation, and conciliation, provide clients with ways to resolve conflicts without resorting to the courtroom. Lawyers trained in ADR services help clients navigate these processes and facilitate agreements. Additionally, specialized dispute advocacy, such as guardian ad litem services for children in custody cases, ombudsman services to resolve institutional complaints, and labor arbitration for union disputes, ensures that certain types of disputes are handled by professionals with specialized expertise. Legal services also include the preparation and management of essential legal documents that support various legal processes. These include court records, charters, contracts, cases, deeds, intellectual property rights, subpoenas, titles, and wills. Lawyers draft, file, and manage these documents to protect their clients’ interests and ensure compliance with legal standards. Legal Technology (Legal Tech) has transformed how legal services are delivered. Legal professionals increasingly rely on document management and automation tools to streamline the preparation and filing of legal documents. E-discovery platforms assist with gathering and organizing digital evidence in litigation, while legal research platforms enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of legal research. Moreover, online legal services provide convenient access to legal consultations, document review, and other services remotely, making legal assistance more accessible. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is also increasingly being used in legal services to predict case outcomes, assist in contract analysis, and automate routine tasks, helping to reduce costs and improve service delivery. Together, these components of legal services form a comprehensive ecosystem that supports clients across various legal needs, ensuring that individuals, businesses, and communities can navigate the complexities of the legal system, resolve disputes, protect their rights, and comply with applicable laws, ensuring that justice remains within reach for all.

Violation of Rights

Illegal Everything

Life Has been made illegal We exist in a dystopian state where the very act of living has been made illegal. People who grow survival gardens have crops ripped out of the ground by police while companies like Monsanto are allowed to poison the land with toxic...

Violation of Civil Rights

It is clear there is no justice in our legal system and our basic civil rights have been entirely eroded to the point of being nonexistent. The constitution guarantees the right to “peaceably assemble” and yet peaceful people have been brutally arrested for the crime...

Animal Shelters

~ Armed agents raid animal shelter for baby deer - YouTube ~ DNR gets death threats after deer death - YouTube ~ Giggles the Fawn Seized, Killed by Wisconsin DNR - YouTube ~ The Killing of Giggles the Fawn - YouTube 13 Wisconsin officials raid...

Baked Goods

~ Baking bad: Wisconsin's homemade cookie ban - YouTube ~ Soil Sister Pioneers Fight for Baked Goods - YouTube ~ Sell a cookie, go to jail: Wisconsin’s home-baked-good ban - YouTube ~ Kivirist v. Wisconsin Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection -...


~ SWAT team raids of barbershops in Orlando, FL - YouTube ~ Orange County Sheriff Defends Barber Shop Raids - YouTube ~ Licensing Gone Wild- Armed Government Agents Raiding Barber Shops - YouTube ~ Barbers To File Lawsuit Over Inspections - YouTube ~ Appeals Court-...

Biking Without a Bell

~ NJ cops arrest man who didn't have bell on bicycle - YouTube He was stopped by cops for not having a bell on his bike. Then he was arrested. - nj.comNJ cops bust man for no bell on bike — and acting 'suspiciously' - NJ 1015 New Jersey- Man Arrested Because Riding a...


~ Amish men jailed over refusal to use orange safety triangle on buggies - YouTube ~ Amish men refuse to pay fine, cite religious beliefs - YouTube ~ Amish Men Sent to Jail in KY Buggy Fight - YouTube ~ Jail time for Amish buggy drivers - CNN -...

Biking Wihout a Light

~ Man sues Punta Gorda Police for excessive force, department changes K-9 policy - YouTube ~ Man sues Punta Gorda police over K-9 takedown - Video ~ PUNTA GORDA,FLORIDA,POLICE LETTING THERE DOG MAUL A MAN - YouTube ~ K-9 officer's file reveals...

Building a Pond

~ EPA takes on Wyoming farmer over pond - YouTube ~ For Wyoming man and his pond, 5-year fight with EPA over - - VIDEO ~ For Wyoming man and his pond, 5-year fight with EPA over - YouTube ~ PLF challenges EPA's power grab - YouTube...

Burning Man

~ 'Burning Man' organizers sue federal government over millions in U.S. permit fees - YouTube ~ Burning Man festival suing US government - YouTube ~ Burning Man Backers Blast BLM’s Proposed Restrictions – CBS San Francisco - VIDEO Burning Man...


~ 'Tunnel home' owner sues city of Austin - 6 pm News - YouTube ~ Why Was 70-Year-Old Texas Man Arrested For Having An Old Bunker? - YouTube ~ 72-Year-Old Suing City of Austin for Seizing His Home and Condemning It for Building Fallout Shelter -...

Car Washing

~ POLICE HARASSMENT- illegal to WASH MY CAR in MY DRIVEWAY - YouTube ~ Don't try this at home- EPA warns against car washing - Virginia Going Down the Drain as They Regulate Away Charity Car Washes - Why more people are...


~ Elderly sisters stray: Arrested with 45 cats in camper - The Altamont Enterprise ... the Stannard sisters were arrested for failure to provide sustenance to animals, and had 45 cats taken away, an orange tabby circled them as they sat at a picnic table at the town...


~ Backyard Chickens allowed in Roswell, GA - Is Dunwoody Next? - YouTube ~ City Bullies Man to Death Over His Backyard Chickens - YouTube ~ The Roswell Chicken Man, Andrew Wordes Interview - YouTube ~ 'Chicken Man' Andrew Wordes' Home Explodes When Police Arrive To...

Children Playing in Park

~ Mom arrested after allowing son to go to a park - YouTube ~ Mother Arrested For Kids On Playground - YouTube ~ Mother arrested for letting daughter play in park alone - YouTube ~ POLICE STATE - Woman Arrested For Letting Her Children Play Outside...

Classic Cars

~ Harrowing experience for Washington couple in classic car - YouTube ~ Senior Citizen Held At Gunpoint, Forced to Remove Clothes in Public, Jailed, For Driving Classic Car - YouTube ~ Highway Patrol Error Results In Hellish Roadside Experience For Classic Car Owner -...

Collecting Rainwater

Videos   Eagle Point man jailed for illegal water reservoirs - KVAL Eagle Point man sentenced to 90 days' jail for 3 illegal ponds - Gary Harrington of Oregon Jailed for Illegal Rainwater Reservoirs on His Property - AOL Gary Harrington, Oregon...


~ Health officials shut down 11-year-old's cupcake business - Fox News - VIDEO Watch the latest video at <a href=""></a> ~ 11-year-old girl's cupcake business shut down by Madison County officials -...


~ RT's Adam Kokesh brutally arrested for dancing at Jefferson Memorial - YouTube ~ Arrested For Dancing At The Jefferson Memorial - Buzzfeed~ Five People Arrested in D.C. for Dancing At U.S. Monument - Fox News~ Jefferson Memorial Flash Mob Arrested For Dancing,...

Dog Walking Without a Leash

~ Colorado Police Restrain and Taser Woman Who Was Smoking & Had Dog Off Leash - Youtube ~ Why This Woman Went to Jail After Walking Dog Without a Leash - Youtube ~ Video One - YouTube ~ Video Two - YouTube Boulder County reaches settlement...


~ 7th Grader Gets Arrested For Drawing On Desk - YouTube ~ 12 YEAR OLD GIRL ARRESTED FOR DRAWING ON DESK!! - YouTube ~ Girl Arrested For Doodling on School Desk Sues New York City - AOL News - YouTube ~ POLICE STATE 2010- Cops Arrest 12-Year-Old Girl For Doodling On...

Drying Clothes

~ Fighting For The Right To Line Dry - YouTube ~ The Right To Dry - YouTube ~ 19 'right to dry' states outlaw clothesline bans; is yours among them? - ABA Jouranal~ A Line in the Yard- The Battle Over the Right to Dry Outside - The New York Times~ Clothesline Bans...

Eco Village

~ More than 24 residents in Walden Eco Village being evicted over "safety concerns" - YouTube ~ Local Show - 12-16-20 - Eco Village Evictions Displace Over 25 People Ahead of Holidays - YouTube Walden Eco Village Walden Eco Village from Utopia Living, Inc. on Vimeo....


~ Authentic Falconer Podcast Episode #005 Peter Stavrianoudakis - YouTube ~ Falconer Sues After Armed Government Agents Accost His Friend - YouTube ~ Falconer sues government to challenge warrantless searches - Modesto Bee - VIDEO ~ Libertarian...

Farm Stands

~ "It's painful": Zeeland family farm in dispute with township over closed farm stand - - Video ~ VISSER FARM STAND - YouTube ~ Visser Farm Market Shutdown - YouTube Couple behind Visser Family Farms highlighted for business practices - mlive"It's painful":...

Food Co-Op

~ Force of Authorities in Stowers Case - YouTube ~ The Stowers tell their story - YouTube ~ The Stowers Story - YouTube ~ Where is the Food? - YouTube ~ Lorain County Sheriff's Office disputes 'raid' at Manna Storehouse - Ohio Food Co-op Swat Team Raid...

Free Range Parenting

~ John Stossel - Free Range Kids - YouTube ~ Forbidden Parenting - YouTube ~ CPS Takes Away Children into Custody Playing in Park Alone , Parents Terrified - YouTube ~ Free-Range Family- Maryland Children in Custody Again - YouTube ~ Free-range kids-...


~ Curious City: One Woman's Fight To Grow Vegetables The Way She Wants - YouTube ~ Elmhurst committee votes against hoop houses in backyards - Chicago Tribune~ Elmhurst gardening dispute makes way to Illinois Senate - Daily Herald~ Elmhurst mayor...

Girlscout Cookies

~ Cops Shut Down Girl Scout Cookie Sale in Georgia - YouTube ~ Cops shut down Ga. Girl Scout cookie stand - NBC News~ Ga. Girl Scouts fear arrest for selling cookies in strip mall - CBS News~ Georgia Girl Scout Troop's Cookie Booth Shut Down By Police - HuffPost~ Girl...

Grazing Cattle – Bundy Ranch

~ BUNDY, the True Story — Official - YouTube ~ Range war 2014 Cliven D Bundy! - YouTube ~ The Bundy Ranch Saga - YouTube ~ The REAL Bundy Ranch Story- Feds Forced to Surrender to American Ctizens - YouTube A rancher’s claim to tribal land...

Grazing Cattle – Bunkerville Protest

~ Armed Oregon Militiamen Speak Out From Occupied Refuge - YouTube ~ Armed Ranchers Sieze Oregon Wildlife Facility - YouTube ~ FBI Investigating Supporters in Bundy Ranch Standoff - YouTube ~ Fire Side Chat, Oregon Wildlife Refuge - YouTube ~ Oregon StandOff- Pete...

Grazing Cattle – Hammonds

~ BLM Destroying Ranches by Fire - YouTube ~ Defending the Hammonds - Ammon & Local Citizens, Burns, Oregon Malheur Refuge pt.1 2016 - YouTube ~ Hammonds need our Help - YouTube ~ The Ore. Ranchers Got A Militia's Help Whether They Wanted It Or Not - Newsy -...

Grazing Cattle – LaVoy Finicum

~ One cowboy's stand for freedom- Natural rights - YouTube ~ American Standoff Documentary Part 1- Bundy Hammonds LaVoy Finicum! - YouTube ~ American Standoff Documentary Part 2 - Bundy Hammonds LaVoy Finicum - YouTube ~ Ammon Bundy talks about the...

Grazing Horses – Dann Sisters

~ American Outrage - The Story Of The Dann Sisters ~ Our Land, Our Life - YouTube Bureau of Land Management Threatens Dann Impoundment - Indian Country TodayBLM protests trespass decision - Las Vegas Sun NewspaperBLM, Western Shoshone headed for another...


~ Government run amok - Gibson Guitar factory raid - YouTube ~ CEO of Gibson- Feds Told Us to Leave U.S - YouTube

Hair Braiding

~ Untangling African Hairbraiders from Utah's Cosmetology Regime - YouTube ~ John Stossel - The Licensing Racket - YouTube ~ Braiding hair minus license is a crime - Times Gazette~ Court ruling- Centerville woman has a right to braid hair without a cosmetology license...

Hair Shampooing

~ Should You Need the Government's Permission to Work? - YouTube ~ It Takes 300 Hours to Become a Shampooer in Tennessee - Daily Signal~ License to Shampoo? 12 Most Ridiculous Required Professional Certifications - TheStreet~ Shampooing Hair...

Homemade Food

~ Homemade food could land single mother of six in jail, for selling without permit - TomoNews - YouTube ~ Mom faces jail time for selling ceviche - ABC7 San Francisco - Video ~ California Bill Would Regulate Home Cooked Meals For Profit - YouTube ~ California mom...

Hot Chocolate

~ Man faces thousands in fines over Brooklyn hot chocolate stand used to raise money for charity - YouTube ~ Dyker Heights man’s charity hot chocolate stand shut down; he seeks to fight action - Brooklyn Eagle~ Man faces thousands in fines over Brooklyn hot chocolate...

Hot Dogs

~ Busted Berkeley Hot Dog Vendor" 'I Was Just Trying To Make A Living' - YouTube ~ UC Officer Tickets Berkeley Hot Dog Vendor, Takes His Money - YouTube ~ Bay Area police confiscate hot dog vendor's money - KCRA~ Berkeley Hot Dog Vendor Talks About...

Idling Cars

~ An Idle Threat: Man Arrested For Leaving Car Running In Parking Lot - YouTube ~ Body Cam video released of man arrested for having his car idle - YouTube ~ Calls Mount For Investigation Of Idling Car Arrest - YouTube ~ Man arrested at 7-Eleven for leaving car...


76 Year Old Deaf Woman ~ 76-year-old deaf woman sues Alameda County sheriff’s deputy for rough arrest - ~ Deaf 76-year-old Woman Knocked Unconscious and Arrested Over Alleged Jaywalking - Free Thought Project ~ ‘What kind of man beats up a disabled...


In our country that suffers from an epidemic of murders, shootings, carjackings, and gang violence, the Orwellian police state enforces laws against kids' lemonade stands. In the dystopian world of which we live, it has been made illegal for kids to operate lemonade...

License Plate is Dirty

~ Black man pulled over, tased for ‘dirty license plate’ by New Braunfels police - YouTube ~ State of Texas- A Failure to Report - YouTube ~ Black man pulled over, stunned for ‘dirty license plate’ by New Braunfels police - KSAT~ Black man sues city of New Braunfels...


~ 8 yrs in jail for lobsters in plastic vs banksters walking free - YouTube ~ David Henson McNab - The Atlantic~ Fisherman's case casts a wide net – Chicago Tribune~ Making a Federal Case Out of It - National Review~ President Should Pardon Honduran Lobster...


~ Man Busted For Manicuring Without License - WMUR 9 ~ Free State Project - Outlaw Manicurist - YouTube


~ Oregon Girl Barred From Selling Mistletoe But Told Okay to Beg - YouTube ~  ~ 11 Year Old Banned From Selling Mistletoe - YouTube ~ "Makers VS Takers" Debate - Madison Root Banned From Selling Mistletoe - YouTube Stossel: Stop! You Need a License To...

Mowing Lawn

Alabama teen, mayor hope to change city ordinance on lawn mowing license - Fox NewsAlabama Town Requires Teens to Purchase a Business License to Mow Lawns - BreitbartBusiness license required for teens to cut grass - WBMAChildren Now Face Fines & Arrest If They...

Not Mowing Lawn

~ Dunedin man may lose home over uncut grass - YouTube ~ Florida Man Could Lose His Home For Having Long Grass - YouTube ~ Government fines man $30,000, tries to steal his home over UNCUT GRASS - YouTube ~ Man could lose home after not mowing yard - YouTube ~ Man gets...

Off Grid Living – Phonehenge

PhonehengeMainstream News A man's castle, under code enforcement siege - Los Angeles Times Acton labyrinth 'Phonehenge West' owner headed to court - ABC7 Los Angeles Builder of Calif. ‘Phonehenge’ sentenced to jail – Twin Cities Builder of 'Phonehenge' sentenced to...

Off Grid Living…Illegal

Videos  City responds to couple trying to live 'off-the-grid' - WAFF48 City says Huntsville couple can't live 'off the grid' - WAFF48 Court denies Huntsville man's appeal to live in off-the-grid home - WAFF48 Letter from Huntsville mayor on Tyler Truitt - WAFF48...

Off Grid Living – “Desert Rats”

VideosMainstream News In L.A. County's High Desert, 'living free' has its limits - Los Angeles Times L.A. County's Private Property War - LA Weekly Off the grid and on the edge: Community and isolation in California's high desert  - Desert Sun Talk back: Property...

Off Grid Parenting

~ ‘Free Range’ Kentucky children placed in foster homes by CPS - YouTube ~ ‘Off-the-Grid’ Parents Lose Custody of 10 Kids - YouTube ~ Parents trying to regain custody of 10 children - YouTube Breckinridge County parents won't regain custody of 10 kids this week -...

Organic Farms

Garden of Eden ~ SWAT Team Raids "The Garden of Eden" - YouTube ~ Texas TACTICOOL Tomato Plants -Garden of Eden- raided - YouTube ~ Texas cops raid farm commune when mistaking tomato plants for marijuana - YouTube ~ ‘Garden of Eden’ Owner Sues City of...

Packing a Lunch for School

~ School Principal Bans Homemade Lunches! Nanny of the Month (April 2011) - YouTube Banning Brown Bagging- Chicago School Cracks Down on Homemade Lunches - TIME.comCafeteria chaos- School bans lunches from home - TodayChicago Elementary School Reportedly Bans Lunches...

Picking Flowers

~ 87-year-old woman tased during arrest, charged with trespassing - YouTube ~ Body camera video shows 87-year-old woman tased - full video - YouTube ~ Brutal gardening- 87yo woman tasered by US cops while cutting flowers - YouTube ~ Chatsworth Police use stun gun on...

Picking Up Garbage

~ Boulder officer who confronted black Naropa student picking up trash resigns - YouTube ~ Officer Pulls Gun on Student Picking Up Trash Outside of Dorm Building NowThis - YouTube ~ Officer resigns following confrontation with student; report says no...


~ Bakers Green Acres vs. Michigan DNR - Family Farm Under Attack - YouTube ~ Brutal killing program implemented in Michigan - YouTube ~ HOGWASH - Bakers Green Acres vs. Michigan DNR & Michigan Pork Producers Association - YouTube ~ Hogwash! Authorities kill feral...

Plowing Land

~ Man could face millions in fines for plowing his own land - YouTube

Property Rights

~ Iowa Woman Arrested On Her OWN FARM Trying To Stop Dakota Access Pipeline! - YouTube ~ Pipeline's 'Eminent Domain' Land Seizure Angers Iowa Farmers - YouTube ~ Why Did Iowa Give DAPL the Right to Take People's Land? - YouTube ~ 30 arrested in bid to disrupt Iowa...

Raw Milk

~ FDA RAID ON RAW MILK- RAWESOME FOOD CLUB - YouTube ~ Government war on raw milk? - YouTube ~ Police Fight Milk and Cartoons! - YouTube ~ Raw Foods Raid - The Fight For the Right To Eat What You Want - YouTube ~ Rawesome Raid August 3, 2011 -...

Repairing Cars in Home Garage

~ Can't Work on Your Own Car- Worst Law Ever! Ep. 5.379 - YouTube ~ CALIFORNIA MAKES IT ILLEGAL TO WORK ON YOUR CAR... MUST WATCH - YouTube ~ It's ILLEGAL to Work on My Cars in California.. $430 FINE! - YouTube ~ It’s Now Illegal to Work on Your Car In California -...

RV Living on Own Land

~ Family says county kicked them off their own land for living in RV - YouTube Family says county kicked them off their own land for living in RV – WSB-TV Channel 2 - AtlantaLand of the fee, home of the grave? For all its international posturing and...

RV Parked in a Lot

~ Man Living In RV Can't Park It In Jefferson County - YouTube ~ Lakewood to homeless living in street-parked RVs: Move along - The Denver Channel - Video ~ Lakewood changes RV parking rules on some city streets - - Video ~ ‘Channel 4 Viewers,...

Selling Art / Peddlers Licenses

Artist Could Face 15 Years In Prison For Recording His Own Arrest Chris Drew was finally ready to get arrested. An artist and activist, Drew had spent years protesting a Chicago ordinance that puts tight restrictions on where and how people can sell their art on the...

Selling Bottled Water

~ Teens were handcuffed on the National Mall for selling water  - YouTube ~ Teens Detained for Selling Water on the National Mall – NBC4 Washington - VIDEO ~ Teens handcuffed for selling water at National Mall - - VIDEO Police in Washington...

Selling Flowers

~ Flower Vendor Sues Riverside County Sheriff’s Department for Excessive Force – NBC Los Angeles - VIDEO ~ Rough Arrest of Woman Selling Flowers Sparks Outrage - YouTube ~ Rought Arrest Sparks Outrage - CBS2 News at 5-00 p.m. (November 19) - YouTube ~ Sheriff's office...

Selling Food

~ Churro Vendor Arrested At Subway Station Speaking Out - YouTube ~ Churro vendor arrest sparks outrage - YouTube ~ NYPD Under Fire After Viral Video of Officers Cuffing Churros Seller - NBC New York - YouTube ~ Video Showing Officers Arresting...

Selling Vegetables

~ Photo of arrest of undocumented fruit vendor with ankle monitor causing controversy - ABC7 Chicago - Video Alameda County Sheriff's Office responds to viral photo of San Lorenzo fruit vendor arrest - ABC7 San Francisco~ DA dismisses charge against fruit vendor -...

Siding on House Unfinished

~ Homeowner arrested and strip-searched for home siding violation - YouTube Burnsville Man Arrested, Jailed for Siding Code Violation - KSTP TVMinnesota Man Thrown in Jail for...Failing to Put Up Siding on His Home - TheBlazeVideo: Mitch Faber Jailed For Failing to...

Sitting on Sidewalk

~ Couple faces jail for sitting on sidewalk - YouTube Homeless couple ticketed $1,000 for sitting on sidewalk threatens lawsuit against Houston - FOX26Two Houstonians ticketed for sitting, setting belongings on sidewalk - FOX26 Homeless Grandmother Arrested 59 Times...

Sleeping in Cars

~ I-Team- Guntersville Police Arrest Called into Question - YouTube ~ Guntersville, Alabama Police arrest a woman for sleeping in her car - YouTube ~ Guntersville, Alabama Police arrest women for sleeping in car Camera #3 - YouTube ~ Guntersville,...

Snow Shoveling

~ Bound Brook teens told no more shoveling snow by police officer - ABC7 New York - VIDEO

Tax Protest – Ed and Elaine Brown

~ New Hampshire resident, Tax protestor Ed Brown vs. the IRS - YouTube ~ Couple Charged With Tax Evasion Holds Concert - YouTube ~ Browns Say They Won't Surrender - YouTube ~ Brown Says Agents Came To Kill Him - YouTube ~ Brown Threatens Law...

Tax Protest – Gordon Kahl

~ DEATH & TAXES Documentary about Freedom Fighter Gordon Kahl - Bitchute

Tax Protest – John Joe Gray

~ After A 15-Year Standoff, John Joe Gray Is Ready To Do It Again - YouTube ~ Guns, Traps ‘n’ Prepping- America’s Last Outlaw Family - YouTube ~ The Gray Standoff on ABC 20-20 Part 1 of 2 - YouTube ~ The Gray Standoff on ABC 20-20 Part 2 of 2 - YouTube ~ 10 Year...

Unpaid Tax

~ Man says his property was seized for $8.41 owed in taxes - YouTube ~ Man Who Lost Home Over $8.41 In Back-Taxes Wins Michigan Supreme Court Case – CBS Detroit - VIDEO ~ Michigan Supreme Court hears arguments in home foreclosure law challenge...

Wind Turbine

~ Jailed over wind turbine - YouTube ~ Jay Nygard's wind turbine - YouTube Appeals Court allows home wind turbine in Orono - StarTribune.comDispute over Lake Minnetonka wind turbine continues in court cases - StarTribune.comGreen energy entrepreneur Jay...

Zoning – Marvin Heemeyer

~ Destroyed in Seconds - Bulldozer Rampage - YouTube ~ Killdozer Helicopter News Footage - Bitchute ~ Man goes on bulldozer rampage through Granby, Colorado - YouTube ~ KILLDOZER - Raw Footage of the Destruction Of Granby Colorado in 2004 - Bitchute ~ 2004 Marvin...

Court Problems

Divorce Court

Divorce Corp (2014) - Bitchute Lawsuit claims divorce court is a racket - The San Diego Union-TribuneSplitsville, a Land of Diabolical Lawyers. Review of ‘Divorce Corp.,’ a Documentary by Joseph Sorge - The New York TimesThe Big Business of Divorce - CNBC ~ Greg...

Family Court

DocumentariesTV Special ReportsKFOX14 Investigates: Child custody a billion-dollar industry for Texas - KFOX - VIDEO InterviewsTV News ReportsMainstream News A Broken System: Contempt Of Family Court - HuffPost Corruption in Family Court — Out in the Open - by Stephen...

Lawful Solutions

Grand Jury

A grand jury is a group of citizens who are empowered by law to independently conduct legal proceedings, investigate criminal conduct, determine whether probable cause exists that a crime has been committed, and issue criminal charges in the form of indictments. A...

Jury Nullification

The jury is a centuries old tool that has been utilized by people since antiquity as the quintessential and number one most important means of preventing abuses of power by tyrannical governments and authorities who violate the common law. The whole purpose of having...