



Vinyl Chloride

Could Explode


“Controlled Release” a.k.a an Uncontrolled Burn

Chemical Plume Dispersal

Safe to Return Home

Health Concerns

Animals Dying

EPA Doesn’t Know Why

43,000+ Animals Were Found Dead Within A 5 Mile Radius

    Press Conference

    Reporter Arrested

    Officials Say: “Water is Safe To Drink” – “No Local Impact” – “Trust the Government”

    Water Concerns

    Air Concerns


    Company is Responsible

    White Noise

    Norfolk “Accidently” Asked Residents to Sign a “Hold Harmless” Agreement in Order to Receive Testing

    Lawyers Warn Not to Sign Paper for $1,000 “Inconvenience Fee” Offered with Clause Added “That’s Payment in Full For Everything” which could Hinder Future Legal Claims

    Erin Brockovich Visits East Palestine and is Named in a Law Enforcement Report as a “Special Interest Terrorist”

    Private Environmental Consultants and Police Control the Site

    Testing by Independent Labs

    The “Clean Up” Job

    Clean Up Workers Getting Sick and Report Symptoms of Illness