Women are being denied informed consent about the serious harms associated with different forms of birth control.

Studies have linked birth control with a number of serious adverse effects including inreased risk of: blood clots, strokes, brain cancer, breast cancer, depression, mood swings, negative stress response, suicide, altered fear perception, altered mate selection, and sexual dysfunction.

Doctors routinely downplay and ignore these adverse effects as they are reported by women and gaslight patients, leading many women to suffer for years without getting proper treatment.

Many forms of birth control were considered “safe” by the FDA while thousands of woman reported complaints that were ignored, and covered up, until class action lawsuits forced healthcare authorities to acknowledge that the suffering of patients was real.

Complications include IUD’s breaking apart and becoming lost inside the body, perforating organs, causing internal hemorrhaging, and resulting in patients having to get hysterectomies. Often this excruciating pain is ignored by doctors for years, who deny the health conditions are linked to the birth control.

Young girls are being encouraged to get on birth control at an early age, even if they are not sexually active, and without any proper warning about any of the serious harms that are widely known. Teenage girls are being provided birth control over the counter, and also in school, where students are implanted with IUDs without the consent, or even the knowledge, of the parents.

Adverse Effects

Blood Clots / Thrombosis / Thromboembolism

Stroke Risk


Teen Use Linked to Depression as Adults

Postpartum Depression

Postpartum Psychosis / Postpartum Suicide

Mood Swings

Stress Response


Fear Perception

Doctors Don’t Acknowledge Adverse Effects and Gaslight Patients

Drospirenone – “Yaz”

Essure – Implant

Essure Lawsuit

FDA Knew for Years that Essure was Causing Harm to Patients

Essure Investigative Reports

Jaydess – IUD

Mirena – IUD

Mirena Lawsuits

ParaGard – IUD

ParaGard – Lawsuits

IUDs Lost Inside Body

Teens Given Birth Control Implants at School Without Parent’s Permission

Academic Papers

Altered Preference in Mates

Bone Mineral Density

Brain Effects

Brain Effects – Fear Perception

Brain Cancer

Breast Cancer

Decline in Wellbeing


Depression – Teen Use Linked to Depression as Adults

Depression – Postpartum Depression

Depression – Postpartum Psychosis

Sexual Dysfunction

Stress Response


Thrombosis – Thromboembolism

Medication Counterinteractions


IUD Regret


Drospirenone – “Yaz” – Blood Clots
