Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Fishing, Food, and Forestry

This area encompasses the management and cultivation of land, plants, and wildlife to generate biomaterials and harvest natural resources essential for sustaining human life. This includes producing food for nourishment, providing raw materials for manufacturing, and serving as stewards of the Earth to enhance biodiversity and promote the health and balance of ecosystems. Horticulture is the science and practice of cultivating plants for food, medicine, materials, and beauty, involving practices such as seed production, soil management, irrigation, and crop rotation. Animal husbandry focuses on breeding, raising, and caring for domesticated animals for food, materials, and labor, including the production of meat, dairy, eggs, wool, and leather, as well as training animals for tasks like herding, security, and companionship. Fishing and fisheries manage the harvesting and cultivation of aquatic resources, including wild-capture fishing and aquaculture, ensuring sustainable fish populations and efficient resource use. The food industry spans food production, processing, and distribution, ensuring safety, quality, and availability from farm to table, while meeting consumer demand for delicious, nutritious, and organic products. Forestry includes logging, timber harvesting, and non-timber product collection, along with reforestation and habitat preservation efforts to maintain the health of forest ecosystems. Hunting and trapping involve the regulated capture and management of wild animals for food, materials, and pest control, working in concert with game management programs to support conservation efforts and maintain ecological balance.

The primary divisions include:

Horticulture: Horticulture is the science, art, and industry of cultivating plants for food, medicine, materials, beauty, and environmental benefits, encompassing farms, greenhouses, gardens, and gardening. It involves a wide range of practices, including seed production and storage, planting, plant cultivation, growing crops, crop rotation, and crop harvesting. Central to horticulture are soil management techniques such as soil preparation, enrichment, and conservation, alongside watering and irrigation systems that emphasize water conservation. This industry integrates sustainable practices like permaculture to enhance productivity while preserving natural resources. Horticulture supports the production of fruits, vegetables, ornamental plants, and flowers, while also fostering biodiversity, creating functional green spaces, and promoting ecosystem health. Through scientific innovation and environmentally conscious methods, horticulture ensures food security, landscape aesthetics, and ecological balance.

Animal husbandry: Animal husbandry is the industry and practice of breeding, raising, and managing domesticated animals to provide food, materials, labor, companionship, and other resources essential for human life. It encompasses a variety of activities conducted on ranches, farms, and specialized facilities, including breeding animals for desirable traits, caring for them through their life cycles, and harvesting animals for meat, dairy, eggs, wool, leather, and other products. Additionally, it includes the training and care of animals for labor, such as draft animals and riding animals, as well as for specialized functions like herding, hunting, security, and other supportive tasks performed by trained animals. Central to the industry is a focus on animal welfare, ensuring proper nutrition, shelter, healthcare, and humane treatment for the ethical and sustainable management of livestock. Modern animal husbandry integrates advancements in genetics, veterinary science, and sustainable practices to enhance productivity, minimize environmental impact, and support agriculture, global food security, renewable material production, and rewarding human-animal relationships.

Fishing and Fisheries: The fishing and fisheries industry encompasses the harvesting, management, and cultivation of aquatic resources to provide food, materials, and economic benefits while maintaining the health of marine and freshwater ecosystems. This industry includes commercial, recreational, and subsistence fishing, as well as fishery management practices that regulate fishing activities to prevent overexploitation and promote sustainable yields. Aquaculture, or fish farming, plays a critical role by breeding and raising fish, shellfish, and other aquatic species in controlled environments, often supported by hatcheries that ensure stable stock populations. From wild-capture methods to farm-raised operations, utilizing advanced techniques and technologies to optimize efficiency and environmental stewardship. Fishing and fisheries are vital for global food security and supporting biodiversity through responsible aquatic resource management.

Food: The food industry encompasses the entire process of ensuring the availability, safety, and quality of food, from production to consumption. It includes food production through agriculture, aquaculture, and animal husbandry, as well as food processing to transform raw ingredients into consumable products. Food inspection and safety protocols ensure that all food meets health standards, while preservation and storage techniques maintain freshness and prevent waste. The distribution of food involves transporting it fresh to markets and consumers. Food preparation, whether in homes or commercial settings, focuses on creating meals that meet diverse culinary and dietary needs while promoting nutrition and exceptional flavor. Providing high-quality organic food to supply the growing consumer demand for healthy options. Central to the industry is addressing food security, ensuring that all people have access to an adequate food supply that is guaranteed to be safe, nutritious, and delicious.

Forestry: The forestry industry focuses on the management, conservation, and sustainable use of forests and forest resources to meet ecological, economic, and societal needs. It includes logging and harvesting timber for wood, paper, and non-timber products such as resins, fruits, and medicinal plants. Key activities also involve reforestation, afforestation, urban forestry, agroforestry, and the stewardship of forest ecosystems to preserve biodiversity and ensure sustainability. Forestry practices encompass soil conservation, watershed protection, and the support of wildlife habitats. Advanced techniques, including forest inventory systems and pest and disease management, enhance both productivity and ecological balance. A crucial effort is made to balance economic development with environmental stewardship, ensuring forests continue to provide essential ecosystem services such as air purification, water retention and transpiration, along with recreation, and natural beauty for future generations.

Hunting and trapping: The hunting and trapping industry involves the regulated pursuit and capture of wild animals for food, materials, population management, and conservation. It includes activities such as hunting for game meat, fur, and hides, as well as trapping for pest control, invasive species management, scientific research, and sustainable wildlife use. Central to the industry is the humane treatment of animals and adherence to regulations and ethical practices that ensure species conservation and ecological balance. Hunting and trapping often support game management programs and the maintenance of wildlife habitats, helping to prevent overpopulation, preserve biodiversity, and mitigate human-wildlife conflicts. The use of hunting reserves and managed lands fosters sustainable practices while providing economic benefits to rural communities and supporting cultural traditions. By balancing responsible resource use with habitat conservation and humane methods, the industry plays a critical role in maintaining healthy ecosystems and promoting wildlife stewardship.

Agriculture Problems

Farm Seizures – Netherlands

The Dutch are some of the most prolific farmers on the planet. The Netherlands, a small country just slightly larger than the state of Maryland, is the 2nd largest agricultural exporter in the world. Growing such an abundant harvest of crops on such a small area of...

Farm Seizures – South Africa

DocumentariesTV SpecialsCommunist Government Seizes Farms of White Farmers without Compensation Dispute after state authorized expropriation of farm - News24 ‘I have the right to defend my property by force. And I will’: EXCLUSIVE – White farmer who is set to become...

Farm Seizures – Zimbabwe

DocumentariesTV SpecialsIn 2000, Mugabe's Communist Regime Started Seizing the Farms of White Farmers2000 Farm seizures start with widow's eviction - The Guardian Mugabe farm seizures backed - The Guardian Mugabe land seizures force hundreds of farm owners to flee -...

Farm “Collectivization” – Murder by Starvation

Russia - 1921DocumentariesAmerican Experience Chapter 1 The Great Famine Season 23 Episode 8 - PBS Facts and Stats Russian famine of 1921–1922 - Wikipedia Soviet Union - 1930-1933Facts and Stats Collectivization in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia Soviet famine of...

Billionaires Getting Farm Subsidies

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) put together a list of 50 billionaires on the Forbes 400 List of Wealthiest Americans who have received federal farm subsidies. The list includes billionaire families like the Pritzker Family whose company Chicago Mill &...

Family Farms in Peril

Family Farms are Being Taken Over by Big Corporations The decline of the small American family farm in one chart "Peak farm, as it happens, happened almost 80 years ago in the United States. The number of farms in the country has fallen by some 4 million between then...

Farmer Suicide

Why are America’s farmers killing themselves? "The suicide rate for farmers is more than double that of veterans. A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggested that male farmers in 17 states took their lives at a rate two times higher than...


Farmageddon the Movie - Bitchute

Farm Subsidies

TV Special 50 Billionaires Receive Unnecessary Farm Subsidies - Forbes Billionaire governor’s family farms get subsidy - AP Billionaires and aristocrats biggest beneficiaries of farm subsidies - The London Economic Billionaires Received Millions From Taxpayer Farm...

Foreign Owned Farmland

News ReportsU.S. 'American Soil' Is Increasingly Foreign Owned - NPR As foreign investment in U.S. farmland grows, efforts to ban and limit the increase mount - The Counter Booming demand for hay in Asia, Middle East driving agribusiness in the California desert -...

Land Usage is Unsustainable

Land Use Only a small amount of land is needed to provide all of the grains, fruits, and vegetables that humans require for food (77m Acres). Almost twice as much land is used to provide feed for livestock (127m Acres). And about 8.5 times as much land is used for...


Monsanto The World According to Monsanto ~ MONSATAN- a Monsanto Documentary - Bitchute ~ Monsanto - FOX News Kills Story & Fires Reporters - YouTube

“Organic” is Not Always Organic

VideoIndependent News Full List of Non Organic Ingredients Allowed in Organic Food - Food Babe The Organic Narrative & Whole Foods Red Flags - WARNING! Products Labeled -Organic-, with GMOs, SEWAGE Sludge, TOXINS - Eco Peaceful When is Organic Not...

Paid Not to Farm

The Government is Using Our Tax Dollars to Pay Elite Farms Not to Grow The USDA is spending billions of tax payer dollars to subsidize corporate farms that don't do any farming, and haven't even planted any crops in years. A report from the U.S. Government...

Repair Bans

VideosMainstream News Should you be able to repair your own tractor or farm equipment? - ABC 7 Denver Tester says -Right to Repair- bill will keep family farms viable - KPAX 8 Independent News Farmer Organizations File “Right-To-Repair” Complaint Against Deere, Urging...

Seed Monopolies

VideosMainstream News Fighting the seed monopoly- 'We want to make free seed a sort of meme' - The Guardian High Price of Monopoly- Why American Farmers Must Buy From Just One Seed Company - HuffPost Resisting the Corporate Theft of Seeds - The Nation Seeds of Life-...

Seed Vault

Something Strange About the Doomsday Seedvault

Seeds of Suicide

Seeds of Suicide by Vandana Shiva Patents on seeds are unjust and unjustified. A patent or any intellectual property right is a monopoly granted by society in exchange for benefits. But society has no benefit in toxic, non-renewable seeds. We are losing biodiversity...

Agriculture Solutions

Farmers Protest – Netherlands

Farmers Protest - 2023 - News VideosFootageMainstream News Dutch Farmers Protest Government Farm Closures On Eve Of Elections - The Daily Caller Farmers, environmental activists hold demos in The Hague - ABC News Farmers, environmental activists hold demos in The...

Living Soil

Short FIlmDocumentariesConferenceInstructional


~ Internet of Farming- Arduino-based, backyard aquaponics - YouTube ~ Aquaponics Made Easy - Bitchute ~ Sepp Holzer Aquaculture - YouTube


~ Biochar - In Five Minutes - YouTube ~ Biochar series- Making Biochar through traditional Method - YouTube ~ Backyard Biochar for Centuries of Soil Improvement- How We Make Easy Biochar + Charging-Application - YouTube ~ The Easiest Way To Make...

Dryland Restoration

50 Years Ago, This Was a Wasteland. He Changed Everything | Short Film Showcase

Dryland Water Harvesting

Dryland-harvesting home gathers sun, rain, food, & more


Nebraska retiree uses earths's heat to grow oranges in snow Sunken greenhouse wraps home & feeds suburban antifragile co-op Glasshouse Vegetable Production in the Netherlands, Part 1 Glasshouse Vegetable Production in the Netherlands, Part 2 Chinese Design -...

Holistic Land Management

Running out of Time | Documentary on Holistic Management


~ Annual Hugelkultur Raised Bed Maintenance - Getting Ready For Spring Gardening! - YouTube ~ Building HUGELKULTUR Garden Beds - Shallow Dig Method - YouTube ~ How to build a Hugelkultur Bed - YouTube ~ Hugelkultur ~ Hugelkultur - the ultimate...


~ Farming with Nature- A Case Study of Successful Temperate Permaculture - Bitchute ~ Geoff Lawton Intro to Permaculture - YouTube ~ Geoff Lawton- Surviving Collapse, Designing your Way to Abundance - YouTube ~ Permaculture Garden Tour and Harvest,...

Pest Control

~ 10 Organic Ways to Control Pests in the Garden - YouTube


~ Heal the Planet with PONDS - YouTube ~ Permaculture Pond - Bitchute ~ PERMACULTURE PONDS- Why, Where & How - YouTube ~ Ponds and Stumperies - Bitchute ~ Implementing A Living Pond Restoration System with Jonathan Todd - YouTube ~ Implementing...


~ What Happens When You Use Ash in the Garden - YouTube

Soil Microbes

Short FIlmPresentationsFungiDocumentariesShort FilmsPresentationsInstructional Fungus network 'plays role in plant communication' - BBC News Fungal Networks Play Role In Plant To Plant Communication – Planet Permaculture RhyzosphereShort FIlmAnimated Slideshow


~ How to Build a Fence Panel Trellis - Cattle Panel, Hog Wire etc. - YouTube ~ How To Grow Cucumbers Vertically on a Trellis - YouTube

Vermiculture and Vermicompost

Vermiculture Instructional VideosVermicomposting Instructional VideosFacts and Stats Vermicompost - Wikipedia Cartoon


Farm Tour Series: The Walipini; Use, Design, .and Construction Walipini Design and Analysis

Water Harvesting

Videos of Epic Water Harvesting ProjectsInstructional PresentationsSlopesSwales vs. No SwalesHarvesting Water the Permaculture Way - Bitchute

Yielding Per Acre

1/10 Acre1/4 Acre1/2 Acre1 Acre1.5 Acre

Agriculture Toxins


A Common Herbicide Turns Some Male Frogs into Females. One of the mostly widely used weed killers, atrazine, may be disrupting male frogs' sexual development...even reversing it. - Scientific American Atrazine, a Toxic Pesticide - Ramsey, NJ Patch Atrazine Feminizes...


For decades, industrial waste has been diverted through municipal sewage treatment plants and sold as farm fertilizer. Vast swaths of land have now been permanently poisoned with industrial toxins like PFAs and other forever chemicals that don't break down naturally...


Mainstream News 80% of Americans test positive for chemical found in Cheerios, Quaker Oats that may cause infertility, delayed puberty: study - New York Post 80% of Americans test positive for fertility-affecting chemical: Study - News Nation Chemical Found In...


Glyphosate is the Most Used Agricultural Chemical Ever Glyphosate Now the Most-Used Agricultural Chemical Ever - Newsweek Glyphosate Detected in 80% of U.S. Urine Samples ‘Disturbing’: weedkiller ingredient tied to cancer found in 80% of US urine samples - The...

Animal Husbandry Problems

Grazing Cattle – Bundy Ranch

~ BUNDY, the True Story — Official - YouTube ~ Range war 2014 Cliven D Bundy! - YouTube ~ The Bundy Ranch Saga - YouTube ~ The REAL Bundy Ranch Story- Feds Forced to Surrender to American Ctizens - YouTube A rancher’s claim to tribal land...

Grazing Cattle – Bunkerville Protest

~ Armed Oregon Militiamen Speak Out From Occupied Refuge - YouTube ~ Armed Ranchers Sieze Oregon Wildlife Facility - YouTube ~ FBI Investigating Supporters in Bundy Ranch Standoff - YouTube ~ Fire Side Chat, Oregon Wildlife Refuge - YouTube ~ Oregon StandOff- Pete...

Grazing Cattle – Hammonds

~ BLM Destroying Ranches by Fire - YouTube ~ Defending the Hammonds - Ammon & Local Citizens, Burns, Oregon Malheur Refuge pt.1 2016 - YouTube ~ Hammonds need our Help - YouTube ~ The Ore. Ranchers Got A Militia's Help Whether They Wanted It Or Not - Newsy -...

Grazing Cattle – LaVoy Finicum

~ One cowboy's stand for freedom- Natural rights - YouTube ~ American Standoff Documentary Part 1- Bundy Hammonds LaVoy Finicum! - YouTube ~ American Standoff Documentary Part 2 - Bundy Hammonds LaVoy Finicum - YouTube ~ Ammon Bundy talks about the...

Grazing Horses – Dann Sisters

~ American Outrage - The Story Of The Dann Sisters ~ Our Land, Our Life - YouTube Bureau of Land Management Threatens Dann Impoundment - Indian Country TodayBLM protests trespass decision - Las Vegas Sun NewspaperBLM, Western Shoshone headed for another...

Factory Farming

Factory Farms Dairy is Scary - Industry Explained in 5 Min What's Wrong with Eggs? The Truth About the Egg Industry Turkey Day

Zoonotic Disease

Flu Factories ~ George Monbiot ‘It’s time to bail out the planet’ - YouTube ~ How to prevent the next zoonotic pandemic- - COVID-19 Special - YouTube ~ Plant-Based Food System or System Collapse? Pandemic-Proofing our Plates - YouTube ~ Swine Flu...

Animal Husbandry Solutions


Short Films Bison are back, and that benefits many other species on the Great Plains - The Conversation Bison Bellows: Bison Eating Habits Influence the Prairie Ecosystem - U.S. National Park Service Cultural, ecological and economic benefits of tribal bison...


Beavers are the engineers of the ecosystem, a keystone species that is essential to maintaining a thriving environment that supports all lifeforms. Beavers are nature's hydrologists, they build impressive dams to stop, slow down, and soak in all the water that would...


Forest Fire PreventionReforestingClearing Weeds and Invasive SpeciesClearing Poison IvyClearing PasturePresentationsSome More of That Raw Goat Footage You Were Looking For

Sustainable Animal Husbandry

Sustainable Animal Husbandry Videos Raising Animals Sustainably on Pasture - FoodPrint Sustainable Farming- Making a Living on the Homestead with Joel Salatin - Homesteaders of America

Crop Problems


TV SpecialsNews Reports 4 of Mexico's Cartels Are Fighting for Control of the Avocado Business - Insider Avocado Cartels" The Violent Reality Behind "Green Gold" - INTELIGENCIA How many people were kidnapped, tortured and murdered for your avocado? IAN BIRRELL on how...


DocumentariesNews Special ReportsMainstream News How America overthrew Guatemala's reformist president - BBC News Bananas, Colombian death squads and a billion dollar lawsuit. Lawyers for 4,000 plaintiffs claim food company Chiquita could be forced to pay billions of...

Cocoa – Chocolate and Child Slavery

DocumentaryVideosMainstream News Child slavery in West Africa- understanding cocoa farming is key to ending the practice - The Conversation Children at Work, Cocoa, Use of child labour on cocoa plantations in Ghana - BBC Chocolate and Child Slavery: Say No to Human...


King Corn


News Reports 21 Crazy Facts About the Unbelievably Corrupt Olive Oil Industry - Insider Agromafia - CBS News Consumers are being warned to be on the lookout for fake olive oil - Don't fall victim to olive oil fraud - CBS News 'Fake' olive oil is making...

Crop Solutions


Special Tour of Bamboo FarmsBamboo ProductsFacts and Stats Bamboo - Britannica Bamboo - Wikipedia


The Coconut Revolution - Documentary

Cover Crops

~ FALL COVER CROPS WISH I KNEW This 10 Years Ago - YouTube ~ Cover Crops Database - Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program


Industrial Hemp The Hemp Revolution Industrial Hemp Solutions Hemp For Victory - US Government Video (1942) Why Hemp Was Made Illegal


TV SpecialsInstructional VideosPresentationArticles 7 interesting things about moss - Kew 8 Benefits Of Growing Moss Indoors - Plants Heaven Benefits of Moss - Arizona State University Eating moss can have various health benefits - Deccan Chronicle How our ancestors...


~ Mushrooms as Medicine with Paul Stamets at Exponential Medicine - YouTube

Food Problems

Edible MRNA Vaccine

VideosMainstream News Can one grow Covid vaccines? Researchers say lettuce, spinach can replace the traditional mRNA shots - Hindustan Covid-19: Researchers working on making edible plants like spinach, lettuce as mRNA vaccines; check details - The Financial Express...

Fast Food

Super Size Me 1 in 3 American Adults Eat Fast Food Each Day - AARP CDC report: 84.8 million U.S. adults consume fast food every day and other startling findings - ABC Action News - WFTS Tampa Bay Here's how much fast food Americans are eating - CNN Obesity Fast Food...

Food Addiction

The Science of Engineering Food Addiction1 in 8 Adults Have Food Addiction 1 in 8 Older Americans May Be 'Junk Food Addicts,' Poll Finds - US News One in eight Americans over 50 show signs of food addiction- Much higher percentages of possible addiction to processed...

Food Additives – Food Dye

Dangers of Food Dye Artificial Food Dye: Delicious or Dangerous? - ABC News Food dye amounts revealed in brand name products - CBC News Food Dyes Linked to Allergies, ADHD and Cancer- Group Calls on US to Outlaw Their Use - CBS News Living in Color: The Potential...

Food Additives – Food Preservatives

VideosImmune System Chemical found in 1,000 processed foods may harm the immune system - Live Science Chemicals found in over 1,200 foods linked to immune damage - New York Post Concerns raised over safety of common food preservative - New Atlas Food preservative may...

Bottled Water – Microplastics

Videos   Everyday items that could be wrecking your hormones - Express Digest If you drink bottled water, you could double how many microplastic particles you ingest, study says. You're ingesting more than 70,000 microplastic particles each year - CNN...

Bottled Water – Nestle

Videos Nestlé Makes Billions Bottling Water It Pays Nearly Nothing For - Bloomberg Nestlé's Troubled Waters - Story of Stuff The fight to stop Nestlé from taking America's water to sell in plastic bottles - The Guardian ArizonaCalifornia As California’s wells dry up,...

Toxic Baby Food

Videos - Toxins Found in Baby Food High levels of toxins found in more baby food brands, government report says - CBS News New report ranks toxins in baby food - ABC 15 Report finds 95% of tested baby food contained toxic chemicals - AZ Central Some Baby Foods Contain...

Food Insecurity

Food insecurity, or the lack of access to enough healthy food, is a significant problem in the United States, and has gotten worse due to the government shutdown of the economy. Millions of people go hungry including children, elderly, and military families.  One in...

Food Banks with Mile Long Lines

~ Americans wait in miles-long lines as food banks struggle to keep up with demand - Fox News Video Watch the latest video at ~ Cars line up for emergency food pantry at Three Square in Las Vegas - YouTube ~ Demand For Food Aid Across The...

Food Banks Running Out of Food

~ 'Crisis Level' Collin County Food Pantry Distributes Nearly 30 Times Usual Supply Last Month - YouTube ~ Demand at food banks surge as donations plummet - New Day NW - YouTube ~ Food banks on the edge - YouTube ~ Food Pantries Are Running Out Of Food -...

Food Inc.

Food Inc.

Food Monopolies

There is a high level of concentration in the global food industry with only a few major companies controlling a large portion of the market. These companies have a dominating influence over the production, distribution, and pricing of food products. Many of these...

Food Packaging

News Food packaging is full of toxic chemicals – here's how it could affect your health - The Guardian Food sold in recycled cardboard packaging 'poses risk' - BBC News More than 3,000 potentially harmful chemicals found in food packaging - The Guardian Plastic Food...

Food Stamps

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as food stamps, is a government program that provides financial assistance to low-income individuals and families to purchase food. The program is intended to help those in need access a more nutritious...

Food Subsidies

The U.S. government provides subsidies for commodity crops such as corn, soy, and wheat, which are often used as ingredients in processed and junk foods. These subsidies contribute to the high rates of obesity and related health problems in the U.S.. A 2016 study by...

Food Waste

Food Waste in the U.S. In the United States, about 40% of all food produced is lost or wasted, which is equivalent to about 133 billion pounds of food per year. In the United States, food waste is estimated to cost about $160 billion per year.  In the United States,...


DocumentariesTV SpecialsNews ReportsNews Reports The Barbaric History of Sugar in America - The New York Times News Reports - Bribing Scientists 50 Years Ago, Sugar Industry Quietly Paid Scientists To Point Blame At Fat  - NPR Sugar industry's secret documents echo...

Tea Bags

Mainstream News A single tea bag can leak billions of pieces of microplastic into your brew - CNN Fancy microplastic with your tea- Study finds that tea bags release billions of particles per cup - FOX 5 DC Microplastics- Premium teabags leak billions of particles -...

Food Solutions

Root Cellars

VideosArticles DIY Root Cellar- The Fundamentals of Cold Storage – Mother Earth News Root Cellars- Types of Root Cellars and Storage Tips - The Old Farmer's Almanac Underground Root Cellar Plans – Mother Earth News Facts and Stats Root cellar - Wikipedia

Fishing Problems

Fish – PFAs

News Reports Eating 1 fish from US lakes, rivers equal to a month of drinking 'forever chemicals' water, study says - FOX 4 Eating just 1 portion of freshwater fish may expose people to toxic chemicals - New York Post Eating one fish from U.S. lakes or rivers likened...

Fish Farms – Salmon

Documentaries Breeding with farmed fish is changing the life cycle of wild salmon - New Scientist Fish farms drive wild salmon populations toward extinction - phys Fish farms transmit viruses to endangered wild Pacific salmon, new evidence shows - The Conversation...

Fishing Subsidies

VideosMainstream News End fishing subsidies to save fish, U.S. urges - NBC News Government Subsidies Encourage Dangerous Overfishing - Bloomberg How the world subsidizes overfishing, in two charts - Vox Putting an end to billions in fishing subsidies could improve...


DocumentariesShort FilmsMainstream News China's super trawlers are stripping the ocean bare as its hunger for seafood grows - ABC News Overfishing is emptying our seas – despite countries pledging to stop it - National Geographic Independent News China’s Monster...

Forestry Problems


DocumentariesShort VideoMainstream News Amazon Rainforest- Highest deforestation rate in six years - BBC News Rates of Deforestation & Reforestation in the U.S - Seattlepi Independent News Burger King Linked to a Whopping Million-Plus Acres of Deforestation -...

Timber Mafia

DocumentariesMainstream News How the mafia is destroying the rainforests - New Scientist Organized Crime Is Responsible For Up To 90 Percent Of Tropical Deforestation, U.N. Report Indicates - HuffPost UN Report: 90% of Illegal Logging May be Linked to Organised Crime...

Forestry Solutions


Short FilmsToursPresentationsAlley CroppingShort FilmsPresentationRiparian Forest BuffersTV SpecialsShort FilmsPresentationsSilvopastureShort FIlmsPresentationsWind BreaksShort FilmsPresentations

Food Forests

TV SpecialsShort FilmsToursDemoArticles CityStream- Beacon Food Forest - Create a Permaculture Food Forest - Tenth Acre Farm Creating a Food Forest - Step by Step Guide - Permaculture Apprentice How to Establish a Fantastic Edible Food Forest Easily...


DocumentaryShort FilmsPresentationArticles Strategy 11 Planting Trees - Ratical Info Reforestation - Wikipedia

History of Agriculture