Parking Meters

Parking Meters

In 2008 the City of Chicago signed a 75 year lease with private parking meter companies to extort a lifetime of revenue from drivers. The public has been paying dearly ever since. In a boondoggle of a deal marked by utter corruption, the city undersold the public...
City Vehicle Stickers

City Vehicle Stickers

Fines = Revenue ~ Chicago Hiked the Cost of Vehicle City Sticker Violations to Boost Revenue. But It’s Driven More Low-Income, Black Motorists into Debt – ProPublica ~ Three City Sticker Tickets On The Same Car In 90 Minutes- – WBEZ Chicago City...
License Plate Stickers

License Plate Stickers

Fines = Revenue ~ Illinois license plate sticker among most expensive in the nation – Illinois Policy ~ Illinois collecting more in license plate fines – Latest News – No Reminder Increases Violations and Revenue ~ Tickets...


The Racket ~ Chicago’s Towing And Booting Program Is Broken – WBEZ ~ ‘The city stole my car’- Politically connected towing co. auctioning towed cars – Chicago Sun-Times ~ Chicago ‘tow-and-sell’ operation flips 50K cars, buries...


The guys down at the impound lot are sure to take really good care of your vehicle as they jack it up on the forklift with an ever so gentle touch and dump it off somewhere in the seemingly never ending lot of heartbreak and sorrow. VIDEOS ~ The Chicago Auto...