Medical errors are recognized to be the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States.

It has been reported that medical errors kill over 250,000 people each year, perhaps as high as 440,000 people each year.

A study published in the Journal of Patient Safety stated “the true number of premature deaths associated with preventable harm to patients was estimated at more than 400,000 per year. Serious harm seems to be 10- to 20-fold more common than lethal harm.”

This means over 1,200 people die every day from medical error.

Medical error is estimated to account for 10% of all deaths in the US.

To put this into perspective, compare deaths by medical error to U.S. military casualties of war. Consider that in the War in Afghanistan 1,833 soldiers were killed, in the Iraq War 4,424 soldiers were killed, in the Civil War 214,938 soldiers were killed, in WWII 291,557 soldiers were killed. Each year in the U.S., medical error kills more people than total combat deaths from any war waged in the history of the country. Being that medical error is significantly underreported, it is possible that more people die each year from hospitals than total combat deaths from all U.S. wars combined.

440,000 deaths per year is shocking especially considering that hospital errors occur 10 times more than reported. Often doctors don’t come forward and admit wrongdoing, and without autopsies hospitals bury their mistakes.

The number of people killed by medical error is often not reported and medical error is not even counted by the CDC as a cause of death.

~ Medical errors the third leading cause of death in America? – YouTube

~ Death By Doctors: Why Doctors Are The Third Leading Cause Of Death – YouTube

~ EXCLUSIVE: Medical errors are the 3rd leading cause of deaths in the US – YouTube

~ Expensive & deadly- Medical errors 3rd leading cause of death in US – YouTube

~ Is fatal medical error a leading cause of death? – YouTube

~ Johns Hopkins study suggests medical errors are third-leading cause of death in USA – YouTube

~ Medical Error Kills Almost As Many People As Heart Disease – YouTube

~ Medical Errors Are the Third Leading Cause of Death- Study – Time – VIDEO

~ Medical errors killing Americans at a surprising rate – YouTube

~ Medical Errors May Be Third Highest Cause of Death – NBC News – VIDEO

~ Medical errors responsible for many more deaths than thought – YouTube

~ Medical Errors the Third Leading Cause of Death in US – YouTube

~ Medical mistakes 3rd leading cause of death for Americans – YouTube

~ New Research Says Medical Errors are 3rd Leading Cause of Death in US Video – ABC News – VIDEOS

~ New Study- Medical Errors Are 3rd Leading Cause For Death In US – YouTube

~ Report: Medical errors may be 3rd leading cause of US deaths – YouTube

~ Study: Medical errors are third leading cause of death in US – YouTube

~ Study: Medical Errors Are Third Leading Cause of Death – YouTube

~ The Third Biggest Killer In The Nation- Medical Errors. – YouTube

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