In the midst of this ongoing pandemic and government caused economic catastrophe that has forced millions of people to loose their businesses, become unemployed, spiral into debt, bankruptcy, and foreclosure, tragically leading to an unprecedented rise in depression and suicide…Mayor Lightfoot of Chicago is now seizing upon the opportunity to squeeze the public a bit harder and extort even more money from innocent people who are already suffering during the crisis by ramping up speeding violations to ticket and fine anyone driving 6MPH over the limit.
Videos – New Fines for Going 6MPH Over
Chicago to Issue Speed Camera Tickets for Driving 6 MPH Over Speed Limit – NBC Chicago – Video
Mayor Lightfoot takes heat for changing speed camera ticket policy – FOX 32 Chicago – Video
Videos – Faulty System is All About the Money
~ Australian Government Forced to Admit Speed Cameras Malfunction – YouTube
~ Baltimore City Council- Need For Cash Fueled Faulty Speed Camera System – YouTube
~ Faulty Red Light Camera – YouTube
~ Speed Camera Scam Faulty Cameras Victimize Innocent Drivers – YouTube
~ Obey The Law, Bankrupt The City? – YouTube
Videos – Mayors are Exempt as their Publicly Paid for Motorcades Recklessly Speed Through Intersections
Meanwhile, the Mayors all get a free pass to recklessly drive through red lights and dangerously speed into oncoming traffic while being entirely exempt from the laws that apply to the rest of the general public. They are entirely free to put the public in danger while driving to and from their daily extortion rackets in publicly subsidized luxury motorcades with multiple security teams all at the taxpayers expense.
~ CAUGHT ON TAPE- Rahm’s motorcade caught speeding near school zones – YouTube
~ Mayor’s motorcade caught running red lights, driving wrong way – YouTube
Mainstream News Articles – New Fines for Going 6MPH Over
- Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot wants to issue speed camera tickets for cars 6 mph over the limit – Herald & Review
- Chicago speed cameras begin issuing warning tickets for drivers going 6 mph over limit Friday – ABC7 Chicago
- Chicago speed cameras begin issuing warning tickets for drivers going 6 mph over limit Friday – MSN
- Chicago to Issue Speed Camera Tickets for Driving 6 MPH Over Speed Limit – NBC Chicago
- Chicago’s speed camera crackdown starts with 44-day grace period – Chicago Sun-Times
- City To Begin Enforcing New Lower Threshold For Speed Camera Tickets On March 1, After 44-Day Grace Period – CBS Chicag
- Mayor Lightfoot takes heat for changing speed camera ticket policy – FOX 32 Chicago
- Speed camera tickets starting at 6 mph above the limit part of Lightfoot’s ‘21 revenue package – Chicago Tribune
- Speed cameras begin issuing warning tickets for drivers going over 6 mph in Chicago – FOX 32 Chicago
- Speed cameras to start issuing tickets for going 6 mph over the limit in Chicago – WGN-TV
- Starting in March, speed camera tickets will be issued in Chicago for drivers 6 mph over limit – Chicago Tribune
Independent News Articles – New Fines for Going 6MPH Over
- Chicago Will Start Ticketing Motorists For Going 6 MPH Over – PJ Media
- Chicago’s traffic cameras to ticket drivers going 6 mph over speed limit – Illinois Policy
- Speed Camera Tickets For 6 MPH Over Limit Is ‘Nickeling And Diming’ Chicago, Aldermen Say – Block Club Chicago
- Mayor Lori Lightfoot defends plan to start issuing speed camera tickets for cars going 6 mph over the limit as ‘safety’ issue – Herald & Review
- Safety first- New Chicago speed cameras explode at 2 mph over limit – The Velvet Hamster (SATIRE)
Mainstream News Articles – Fines = Revenue
- $455 per minute- NYC speed cameras issue over $28M in fines following expansion, data shows – silive.com
- Baltimore aims to triple red light, speed camera revenue to $24 million – Baltimore Sun
- Chicago Speed Camera Cash Grab – Chicago Now
- Chicago Speed Cameras- Emanuel Exaggerates Safety Impact, Downplays Projected Revenue – HuffPost
- Chicago speed cameras- Is it all about safety or revenue? – WGN Radio 720 – Chicago’s Very Own
- D.C. puts a price on speeding- $29.5 million – The Washington Post
- DNAinfo on Fox- Cameras Rake in Big Bucks; Logan Square Project; Velodrome – Forest Glen – Chicago – DNAinfo
- Emanuel’s speed cameras issue $2.4 million in bad tickets – Chicago Tribune
- Fines in Victoria skyrocket by $12 million as road safety cameras go digital – ABC News Australia
- Speed cameras in Md., DC rake in millions of dollars – WTOP
- Speed sensors on red-light cameras could raise money fast – Los Angeles Times
- Speeding fines from cameras taking millions of dollars in Sydney – NRMA calls for change – 9NEWS Australia
- The Rip-Off State- South Australia’s Revenue-Raising Speed Camera System – The Speed Camera Scam
- Undercover probe reveals the ‘buckets of money’ made from speed cameras – Daily Mail Online
Mainstream News Articles – Number of Cameras
- Emanuel announces 50 speed camera locations (2013) – Chicago Tribune
- Emanuel’s Speed Camera Plan, As Proposed, Would Cover 66 Percent Of City – HuffPost
Mainstream News Articles – Number of Tickets Issued
- Chicago`s speed cameras issue 2,700 tickets in first month (2013) – Yahoo! News
- Mayor Lightfoot said no tickets during early pandemic. Chicagoans were hit with 35,000 tickets. – Chicago Tribune
- New Chicago speed cameras capture more than 200,000 violations in just 45 days (2013) – Yahoo! News
Mainstream News Articles – Wrongfully Issued Ticket Settlements Paid by Public
The corrupt officials that write the laws have conveniently indemnified themselves from facing any liability for wrongdoing. Lawsuits from the ticketing fraud are a routine burden to cities and multimillion dollar settlement payments are always saddled upon the taxpayer.
- Baltimore Speed Cameras Illegal- Circuit Judge Rules On Controversial Law – HuffPost
- Baltimore must return $2.8mn after audit finds faulty speed cameras — RT USA News
- City’s speed-camera program under fire – WBAL11
- Investigation Begins Into Baltimore City Faulty Speed Cameras – CBS Baltimore
- Judge orders Ohio village to pay back $3 million to lead-footed drivers – Fox News – Fox News
- Secret audit found city speed cameras had high error rates – Baltimore Sun
- Speed Cameras Ruled Unconstitutional, City Has to Pay Back Ticketed Drivers – Independent Sentinel
- Unmanned speed cams under fire for accuracy problems – CBS News